wolne punkty ładowania*
zajęte punkty ładowania*
* nie uwzględnia punktów niedostępnych operacyjnie


In order to register an entity with EIPA, please fill in the form below. The form applies to both charge point operators and mobility service providers. You will receive confirmation on the e-mail address provided below after the verification of submitted informations.
Type of the entity
Fill in if you already have an identifier assigned in another country, which is to be recognized in Poland. The required ID format is two letters and three alphanumeric characters, e.g. FR-23L or NL*ZZL. Skip this field if you do not have an identifier assigned.
Following data will be presented to customers. Phone number and either e-mail or website is required

NOTE: from April 21, 2022. the Regulation of the Minister of Climate and Environment of July 7, 2023 on the fee rates for granting an individual identification code, recognizing the code and maintaining them in the system and the deadline for paying this fee in 2024 comes into force. Urząd Dozoru Technicznego is obliged to collect monthly fees from station operators and energy suppliers in the amounts specified in the regulation. Invoices for the activities subject to fees will be issued once a month, starting from May 4, 2022. Please send an e-mail to FR_kontrahenci@udt.gov.pl indicating the buyer and recipient of the bills, if they are different from the entity's registration data. This will allow the services to be billed correctly.
